Happy Mother’s Day Mother F——-Ers 5/10/19
Read Count : 113
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
This is not intended for Mother’s and others who are caring -devoted -givinghuman beingsThis is directed at those Mothers whethermale or female-who inflict-abuse on their children or others in a relationshipReading the many accounts of thesesituations echoes through the wordsthat describe the many instances ofdespicable behavior on the part ofallegedly responsible peopleThere is no way to justify this kind of treatment and whatever rationalizationIs used is evidence of the need for the perpetrators to seek helpThere no dispute that many young peoplehave to be disciplined and taughtBut through control and understanding rather than the venting of uncontrollable actions and behaviorThose who are the subject of this piecewill probably never read thisBut to you who have been expressing and reaching out in your painful frustrationKnow that many of us care andwill offer support and empathy with our limited abilityKeep Writing and SharingNever Give Up🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋