The Shadower Read Count : 141

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
"Hey leave her alone!"The few boys stoped and looked back at me "Get lost you pice of paper."the boys   turned back to the girl i had no clue what she looked like or who she was manley because i dont know many girls besides my sister that is."Not till you leave her alone."i say being brave."Who said were messing with her?" Asked the boy closer to her "Maybe because you guys are in a group and your crowded around one girl you know?"The boys rolled thier eyes as two boys walked away.I had a perfect veiw of the girl she had light brown skin and was very beautyful she looked at me i got shy.Then the boy infront of her leaned in wait what is he about to do?then he kissed her i don't know what makes me madder. I roll my eyes annoyed Why...WHY?is it that when a girl smiles at me and i smile back that i realize later that they were smiling at other people near me urggg guess its bad luck.Here i go trying to save someone who obvisly doesn't need saving.I stand thier caught in thought."Hello are you gonna stand thier and watch us or are you gonna stalk off because you know we dont need paparocxi every damn place we go!"He waves me off i start moving my feet "Fine shit head." I didnt have the courge to say it loud so i sorta mumbled it."What was that ass face!"Opps guess i wasnt to quiet."legolas cut it out!"The girl says legolas gave me evil glares.Man i hate his guts.The girl started to move away from legolas "Wait Grace where are you going?"asked legolas.He stuck to her like a dog from hell."Im going to class lego." He looked down at his shoes bitting his lip "Uh...Um...C-Can i have a kiss...please?" Wow the most populer guy in school with his own follwers is shy of asking his girlfriend for a kiss wow she really touches his soft spot."Sure lego sure." She walked to him and planted a nice juicy kiss on his lips.Then she walked away "Bye Tiger."He stared after her looking starstruck.Tiger thats really cute."Why the hell are you still here dude ugg your so damn lonely.He jogged in the other direction.To be honest i was longing for a girlfriend like Tiger but i guess im not as good looking as legolas may be.I sighed walking to my first period class.Houres of boring teachers talking about boring things and if math wasn't already bad then history is Mrs.Davios was terribly boring her favorite​ thing was pop quizzes.She was a scary lady she had a long nose that easly could be mistaken for a beak.she had dark beady eyes that looks as if they peer deep into the human soul she wears dark pantes and long shirts with dark boots even though it wasnt rainy or snowey she never wears any jewelery  no wedding rings nothing she was mean and cold hearted at least on the outside.I sate down after twenty minuts of learning about you know histery i fell asleep not on purpose but by accedent.Next thing i know someones pulling my ears "Oww.Oww stop ...stop."I try to pled i still had no clue who it was i looked over and saw a beak opps sorry a nose  and dark beady eyes and dark boots."You like to sleep in my class huh.Well i hope your ears aren't ancient." She says thier were a few giggles and gasps and whispers. "Oww.Im sorry, im sorry ow." She tugged harder "You better be boy you tjink ill be here teaching for little brats to be sleeping NO NEVER i hope your learning your lession." She says in her mean gravely voice."I am ,i am." I say "Good because i hate not making myself crystal clear!"She says."Oww Are you even allowed to do this ow ok.ok. i guess you are oww take it easy well you do you know-Owwww."She tugged me ti the door throwing me out and into the hallway."Goodbye i do nit wish to see your face in my class EVER Again you know since its so boring to you." She snapped her long bony plane fingers.Then slammed the door in my face i walked away for the second time today.


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