Movie Read Count : 55

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama

Once upon a time there was a boy named jack he loved to watch movies every night and his mom lia calls it movie night because we watch movies every night. Jacks dad died when jack was born. Its very sad the mom said if dad was here we would not call it movie time we would call it family movie night but since dad died we don't have a complete family. Then jack said don't worry mom you have me and I have you. The mom said yes I have you and you have me. Then jack said how about we watch a happy movie that will might cheer us up OK.  Then the mom said shore since we are feeling a bit down. Then when jack was trying to find a movie that is all about happiness he suddenly found this movie its about a mom and a son and how happy there living so jack showed the movie to his mom and then the mom said of course this movie is going to be the best said mom and then the son said I love you mom and the mom said I love you to then they all said good night and watch the movie and slept when its about to end the end. 


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