Moonlit Separation Read Count : 74

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Your lilac eyes gloom numbness pictures like the horror cacophony air crafts soon chum radiation bloom round my head 

Your unquenching thirst and rosy lips 

in my arms you sip my passion 

your imagery like a nightingale 

sing in my tender separation 

Moon moon in our meeting 

and departure soaked us in moonlit 

several thoughts like cat and dog 

jump and run in doom 

Your bosom like fleeting silhouette 

reflexes me in honey perplexity 

you place me on head and thighs 

aloof and spare me in soft corner 

O moonlit moonlit O moonlit separation. 

---- Kamal Kishore Sharma 

Date:Wednesday May 29, 2019 

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Word notes:

Lilac : white lilacs symbolizes purity and innocence,  Violet- spirituality,  Blue - happiness and tranquillity, Magneta - love and passion, Purple  - first love 

Gloom  - dark shadows, bad spirits 

Numbness  - without feeling 

Cacophony - a harsh discordant mixture of sound 

Bloom  - v.  be in flower,  n. a flower cultivated for its beauty 

Unquenched  - not quenched,  unsatisfied,  unextinguished 

Passion  - n. strong and barely controllable emotion 

Nightingale  - n. a small migratory thrush with drab brownish plumage noted for melodious song 

Tender  - adj.  showing gentleness,  kindness and affection 

Doom  - n. death,  destruction,  or some other terrible fate 

Silhouette  - a silhouette is the image of a person, animal or object or scene 

Perplexity  - n. inability to deal with or understand, an entangled state,  bewilderment 

Aloof  - adj. not friendly or forth coming cool and distant 

Spare  - adj. additional,  v. to give or refrain from killing 

Fleet  - adj. swift,  nimble,  v. to pass swiftly,  n. number of ships sailing in company  

----- Kamal Kishore Sharma 

Behind Hotel Midtown Sneh Nagar 

Ward Number 27 Balaghat ( MP)India 

481001 9424614441  8966088853

Date: Wednesday May 29, 2019


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