Extract:From My Long Poem:Their Beloved Is Blood. Read Count : 56

Category : Poems

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And I made the Holy Place my House,

And a Haunt most dear to my heart,

And I am caught between a Cherubim and a Cherubim,

Two Identical Images of God Facing off in the Holy of Holies,

The Raging Struggle between the Good and Evil that constitute Deity,

Has made me a collateral in this Veld,

And Two Winds Outstretched,

Two Wings OverShadowing my soul,

And I am a dumb lamb under the Shade of that Tree,

Now see how They weigh the value of Christ on a Dragon’s Scales,

See what value Christ weighs in a Dragon’s Balances,

See how They Crucify Compassion on the Wings of a Dragon,

See what work the Winds of a Dragon wreak of Christ,

See the Horrifying Coup with which a Dragon slays His lamb,

And Faith makes mincemeat of my obedient heart,

And sandwiches me Between Two Beasts,

Between Two Beasts Human-kindness is made a lamb,

Between Two Beasts my faith hangs a lamb,

See how Compassion is Condemned between Two Thieves

And hanged between Thieves,

Between Two Beasts,

In the Night,

Human-kindness must die to restore Jerusalem,

Between Two Beasts,

In the Altar burning between Two Beasts Human-kindness burns,

See what sweet savour,

See what tremendous incense that kind of burnt Offering makes to Heaven,

See how the Bull seized by the Madness,

Ploughs Jesus from his foundations,

And tossing him over,

Tramples Christ on the earth,

Goring Jesus,

Impaling Christ to death on His Two Horns,

See how They set a Tribunal under that Tree,

Dragging Christ before the Judgment Seat of a Dragon,

And tying Christ under the Shadow of that Tree,

Trying the Spirit of Christ Under Tyre,

That Ancient DragonKing of the Tree,

Hanging him on that Old Dilemma that embattles life,

Impaling Jesus on that Undying Dilemma that embitters life,

And I am a hostage of the Good and Evil constituting Deity,

The Inspiration of Good and Evil cultivates my mind,

Good and Evil impulses shape my mind,

Good and Evil Winds shape my World,

I am tied,

I am nailed,

I am tried,

I am crucified to that Tree,

I am bonded to Deity,

I am bonded to Beauty and a Beast,

His yoke works my life and destiny to its conclusion,

And I cannot loose my soul from the curse of that Tree,

I cannot break my life from the apronstrings of the Sun and Moon,


How can you overcome:

Living under such a Mighty Tree?

Woman how can you overcome?

Set to live under such a Husband,

Such a Sky,

Luminaries exerting such terrible Gravities over your wil and desire,

How can you overcome the curse and dominion,

When you are set to live under such Great Lights,

The Sun and Moon,

That are set far Above,

I am a captive of Tyre,

I am a captive between the tides of Day and Night,

I am capital in this Veld,

I am capital for Working the Divine Enterprise,

Whether good,

Whether evil,

I am capital that brings Dividends to Divinity,

And I am a mind shaping in the Potter’s Hand,

My mind is capital in the Potter’s Hand,

And His CraftsManship works my will,

And His Wheels work my desire,

To deliver Dividends in the Divine Business,

And often I am the lamb,

Who must die for the Peace to resucitate,

I bear the Burden of Bell and Nebo in life,

I carry the cross for Divinity,

And how often in the Night,

O Earth,

Have I not died to deliver a new Jerusalem in the Morning for the joys of the living?

O children of Hawa,

I am the real collateral,

In the Hostilities between These Two Opposite Halves constituting Deity...

(C) Fritz Ampon.

An Extract from My Long Poem:Their Beloved Is Blood.


  • May 29, 2019

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