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Sub Category : Spirituality
And I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?"
Then I said,
"Here am I! Send me."[Isaiah6:8]
GOD is so deep that HE can inspire you without you noticing. HE made prophet Isaiah to hear HIM asking who to send, do you think GOD didn't have someone to send ? do you think HE didn't know that one day HE will appear to Isaiah ? What motivated Isaiah ? My beloved friends in CHRIST, readers, todays scroll is injecting GOD s desire into your life. GOD puts desire by revelation of who HE is. Knowing more of HIM by HIS WORD is one way that triggers you to thirst and hunger for HIM [Mat5:6] HE is a spirit and what we need to do is to worship in spirit and in truth [John4:24]. It doesn't matter what you have gone through previously in your life [Isa6:5] [Luk5:8]. Seek to be in HIS presence always [Jer29:13] you will definitely hear HIS voice. When inspired do not be intimidated by the world around you. Some will begin to hate you, label you wicked names, the devil will attempt to manipulate you, keep in HIS spiritual presence. Even JESUS was rejected after reading and confirming the scroll of prophet Isaiah [Luk4:17_21] in the synagogue but HE made a way through their midst and went away [Luk4:29_30].
Beloved friends I am not worried who reads or who does not read, GOD knows HIS audience. I am not a good writer, I just write good news on scroll. Writers of the gospels were not good writers neither, how can you start a scroll like that ? [John1:1] but wrote good news as they were captured by HOLY Spirit. Thats why scholars still argue up to now on authorship.
If gospels were wrote under the influence of HOLY SPIRIT,
if prophets Isaiah and Jerimiah wrote scrolls under GOD s instructions[Isa30:8] [Jer30:2]
If Paul could write letters while in prison,
what can then stop you to write and speak the good news. As I alluded in the beginning todays scroll is injecting GOD s desire in you as the GOD has put prophetic desire into this scroll.
Friends, great saints be inspired to hear HIS voice
Receive the anointing of the HOLY Spirit
May LORD GOD YHWH pour the desire in you !
Greetings from Clement