Mother. Read Count : 145

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

You Breathe the Good,

You Breathe the Sweetness,

You Breathe the hope,

You Inspire the courage,

You Impart grain to spirit,

You breeze me through the hail and blizzard,

And Your Breath,

Drives to forge ahead,

If we get the bitter portion,

If we taste the bitter herb of the Field,

If we take the wine of dragons,

From His Hand,

If we get the Hemlock to drink for life,

If we drink the Nightshade in the Day,

If He paints our lives with poison Toadstools,

If He colours our world,

With the pigment of the poison-arrow  Frog,

If He lays the Stone Fishes in the bed in our feet walk the destiny,

If He seeds our waters with iracunjes,

If He clouds our way with His Haze,

If on our climb to the Crag of Everest,

He has the Cold descend on us,

And come in the way, 

And gets the Fog,

Standing in our Course,

Muddling the Vision,


You are our Eyes,

You are our Lights,

And a Light House,

Flooding the Dark Waters,

And the Night,

With Your Spirit,

You see us through the Storm with the Light,

And lead us safely to home with Your Heart,

From Your Breath,

A Genial Spirit Stirs,

From Your Breath,

A Genial Spirit Blows,

And Your Mellow Currents Flowing abroad,

Works our peace on Earth,

And in You,

We have  the Clement  Clime on Earth,

From You,

We  have the Fair Hours,

And the Good Time,

And the Morning,

And the Storm will pass,

And the Mild Weather,

Will always come around,

Because You Are,


And the Tender Half of the Sky,

You Are,


And the Good Side of the Tree,

You are the Sweetness,

And the delightful Strain,

In the Fruit of we taste for life,

And Your Clement Currents,

And Your Fruitful  Seasons,

Will bring round a  Bumper,

Of the Good Harvest in our lives,

Dealing with issues,

Of the condition,


You Breathe,

And the Fair Winds Blow on Earth,

Your Breath,


Gets the Good,

Inspired on the Earth,


A Current,

And a Disposition,

Of Consciousness,

Glowing with tender-loving care,

The Good Pours out of Your Soul,

Like the Rains In Summer,

Or a River out of Heaven,


Flows on Earth,

And makes for Earth,

And  makes for humanity, 

Our Sky,

Our Heaven,

Masses of  Clouds,

Seeded with Waters,

Swelling with Water,

To water down heat,

To tone down fire,

On life that is set like a flower,

To flourish under the Sun,

The Grain of Your Spirit,


Surrounds the human heart,

A Sheath,


To shield from the heat of the rays of the Sun,

Why should I circumcise my Mother from my flesh,

Why should I circumcise my Mother from my heart,

Why should I pillage Her  generous Covering,

An lay waste Her opulent Resources,

And open up my soul to the killer rays of the Sun,

And kill the Christ in me,

And turn me into Rock,

And be actuated with Wrath,

And take on the likeness of Adam,

And bring the Earth into the destitution,

And the cold,

And the nakedness,

And the night of Mars,

Why should I have the Rays,

Shape me of the dust of iron ore,

And Mother,

You are a Hedge,

You make like an enclosed Garden,

You are like a Gilt Edge,

You assure from the Fire of the Sun,

And You Hem us in,

And we are shaded from the marauding of the elements,

And from Your Inspiration,


 I have a Shade,

Against the heat and fire that the Heaven Breathes,

And Its Sun under which we live,

 Irradiates in the Field,

And fields of Clay,

Tamper down the Iron in Earth,

In you,


We have a Shade from the heat and fire when they come down,

A Shelter from the waves and tides of Thunder when they are agitated,

From the Currents Your Heart blows,

From the Spirit Your Soul  gives off,

We have a Covering from the violence of the Heavens,

In your Depths,

A  heap of Coals burns that is unlike  Carbuncles,

A heap of Coals burns in You,


That is unlike the Fires of the Altar,

And the  Genial Fire burning Your  Heart,

Raises a generation,

And the Genial Fire burning Your Heart,

Nurses a generation,

Nurtures life,

You are Flame,


That  burns at Fair Temperatures,

A Soul Aflame,

A Spirit Alive,



With Feelings,

A Heart,


You Throb,

You Pant,

To  deliver the weak and poor from the Clutches of the Lion,

And Motherhood,

Your Fire Fosters feelings in humanity,

 Your Soul Nurtures in us, 

A heart for the weak and needy,

Firing passion for the poor and suffering in the human soul,

Compassion in the Earth,

And Motherhood,

Will rather Warm,

Than Devour,

And Motherhood,

You are Fire that  Warms with the tempretures of the glowing human soul,

And You Cherish life,

And You nurse it into a fruitful Tree,

And a great cultivation in the Veld,

Has sprang from the Hot House,

Of Your Heart,

Your Beautiful Cultivation in the Veld 

And You will Cherish life,

Rather than Devour  life,

Or Breathe Hate,


You are a Hearth,

And an Hospice,

Not Hell,

Or Hades,

A Furnace Flaming with Hate and Venom,

And Raging with the Madness that Inspires beasts,


Your are not the Bellows,

In Which,

In Heat and Cold,

The lion is hammered, 

And a fierce beast shapes out of the molten iron,

And predator actuated by the ferocious and voracious spirit that works a beast,

Rises out of the cold Waters,

 And prowl the Earth,

And prey on the glowing human heart,


You are Rivers of Cool Waters,


You are Rivers of Warm Waters,

And Beneath Your Genial Currents,

Is Hades,

Hades lies,

Beneath Your Tender Feet,

And Beneath You,


In a great waste of piles,

And heaps of dust,

And dunes of dirt and filth,

Stretching out in great swathes,

Under Your FootMarks,

Creeps a Serpent,

The Shadow of light that dogs the life,

A Serpent finding  Nourishment and Indulgence,

In the dust Beneath Your Feet,


A Serpent's Belly finding huge Motivation,

A Beast finding deep Delicacy to Delight His Soul

In the dust Beneath Your Feet,

In the Dust beneath my Mother's Feet, 

A Serpent on His Belly moves,

In the Dust Beneath my Mother's Feet,

A Serpent creeps and eats,

And Christ is not a Spirit forged in the Fires of Sheoul,

Christ is not an Imaged forged in the Furnace of Hades,

Christ is a Spirit conceived in the Vein of  Motherhood,

Christ is a man conceived in the Woman's Womb,

Christ is a Persona,

Conceived in the Womb of Motherhood,

And Christ,

Is suckled,

Not of a Wolf's Venom,

But of the milk of the Woman's Breast,

In which the compassion radiates,

And from the Heart of Motherhood,

Is communicated to the World,

Christ is suckled,

Christ is raised,

A Spirit,

And a Persona,

Tender like fine Clay,

To be Transmitted to the World,

To Save the Soul of humanity,

To save the Earth from the Cancer of Cain,

And Its Ferocious Metastasizing capacities,

And my Mother,

She will not let the poor man be taken by the cold,

And my Mother,

She will not scold a poor man,

When they bend Her law,

Just to keep alive or to survive,

And She will not hurt a fibre of flesh with Her Fire,

My Mother is Heaven,

And my Mother is Life,

And Fields of Beautiful flowers,

Shimmying in Her Breeze,

My Mother Glows,

She Possess Soul,

My Mother is not Hades,

My Mother is not Sheoul,

A Mind in which Soul is  slain,

And Compassion is descended into the Night,

The Wolf that devours  the souls of children,

Motherhood is not a Rod,

She will not cow a rabbit with a Roar,

She will not scare a hare with Thunder,

She will flutter a dove- cote with a Bellow,

She will not Breathe,

The elements down on the fibres that bond our Fabric,

And will not  wear our heart threabare,

She will not practice attrition on the tender human soul, 

My Mother will not wither the peace,

She  will not fritter away the ties,

That  bind Earth,

 As  One,

But She bonds the Earth together,

With the human heart,

A genial radiance,

Which emanating from Womanhood,

Holds Earth together with the glowing human soul,

The poison fumigation,

Vexing Her Spirit,

The poison fumigation embattles my Mother's Soul,

A Dragon's Breath,

Engages my Mother,

Their Fiery Inspiration,

The  H(h)eart that cherishes malice,

 Agitating hate in the Waves,

Contending the Place,

And Spirit of my Mother,

Wrestling the Heart of my Mother,

A Beast contends to overthrow my Mother from the Reins,

Their souls have courted a Dragon,

A Bride is bethrothed to the Head of a Pride,

A Bride has sworn Herself to matrimonial vows with a Beast,

They have taking in a Monster,

Their heart is wedded to a Predator,

Their spirit conjoined to the temper of a Dragon,

The venom of vipers,

The virulence of the Naja,

The animosity of predators,

Is kindled in them,

The Altar is lit in their minds,

And thrives in their blood,

The mind of the beast throbs in their souls,

And they work a tumult in the waters,

And turn the emerald and sapphire Seas,

Of My Mother,


Their heart nurtures odium for the odd people out,


The tumult,

Rages in their souls,

An Altar Flaming in their works,

A Dragon’s Heart Pulsating,


To have the freedoms,

To sacrilege,

To maul,

And devour,

The dignity and life of  the weak and poor,

Their fangs penetrating the waves,

Are buried deep in the hearts of great numbers,

They have worked thier poison in the air,

They have their venom working turmoil in the Wind,

Their Winds threaten to shape the lands a new mind,

To overturn the Liberty,

To Rape,

And  Sack,

The Womb of the Woman,

Which conceived,

And delivered the age,

This Pricless,

Precious Stone,

 To US,

They  lift a Serpent by the Tail,

They  hold Reins,

They  take a Dragon's Tail,

They seek to take the Reins,

The seek to lift a Dragon on my Mother,

And they are at the Helm,

Captaining the Rudders,

Steering the Winds blowing over the Lands,

They work the Lands that are perched on the summit of the Mountain,

The Lands that nestle on the Crag of the Rock,

With a Dragon’s Breath,

A Dragon's Inspiration,

They Breathes Fire into many thrones,

The Breathe Vitrol into many Rivers,

The turn the Rivers Bitter,

They have their fangs like Cotton Mouths,

Driven deep in the Vena Cava,

The Social Polity is striken by a Serpent,

The Toxins drain into the Right Side of the Heart of Humanity,

Overrunning the WarmBlood,

Evenoming the Spirit,

Their cocktail of toxins working in the BloodStream,

Mounting in  ferocity,

They aim to take down the ruddy Constitution of humanity,

They aim to plunder the robust Constitution of humanity,

And they work like hell,

Seeking to take  down the great strides that the Humanity,


 Has made for the weak and poor,

They seek to take apart the great  Breaks,

That Land that nestles on the Crag,

Has has clinched for the poor and weak,

And they slay with their neuro and myo toxins,

They slay feelings in the Human Heart,

They ravage Charity,

They break down the Human Soul,

They paralyse,


In the Heart of Humanity,


The Work of the Lady Bug, 

Smothering the Torch of Her Spirit,

The Torch in the Lady's Hand,

With which She has lit the Earth with Her Heart,

The Heart of Humanity,

With Which She Touches Heaven with Her Spirit,

The Spirit of Liberty,



My Mother,


That the peoples had  first Lifted up in France,

Against the Beast,

That had been Ravishing Womanhood on Earth,

And the Venom,

Closing the Windows of Opportunity, 

Crowning the Wisdom of the Lady,

And hot with hate,

They shut hosts from the dream that the Lady  conceived,

Hot with Hades,

The shut off the destitute and persecuted,

From the Heart and Spirit of Liberty,

They sacrilege the Spirit,

They profane Her Sacrifices,

They  raven on the Efforts of the Lights of the Lady,

The Heart She Breathes and Cherishes,

The Spirit She Lives in the Day,

And Dies for in  Night,

The Spirit She gives the blood of Her First Fruits,

Her Flowers to Keep,

Her Spirit She raised on the Lands,

On the Portions where She is Mounted on a High Pedestal,

And on a Land the Lady Towers high above the Waters,

Of the River,

And the Sea,

Into the Sky,

Touching Heaven with Her Spirit,

The Glowing Human Heart,

The Heart,

That gave Refuge to Destitution,

And Refuge to  Desolation,

 And Sanctuary to Desperation,

And gave Home from  Persecution on Earth,

And Cultivated a Country for those that will dare with the Spirit of Christ,

Paying every price,

The heavy price of Self-sacrifice,

That is to be paid,

To the outlaw the Beast from the Earth,

And drive away Cain from the Earth,

And Shaped of Earth a Place for Womanhood,

Taking Earth for the Woman, 

Claiming the Planet for Motherhood,

Ravaging Mars,

And Outlawing the Beast from the Earth,

Laying down the Capital punishment  for Adam,

And the Red Man if He ever returned to the Earth,

But Now,

The  venom of vipers lay waste the cells,

And the blood vessels,

And nerves,

And their fibres,

And the conduction that works the Spirit;

And the Muscle,

Of the Human Heart,

Falls away in the power of their  venom,

They take apart the Structures of the Body,

That Nourish and Work the Human Heart with Liife and Spirit,

 And work Warmth of the Blood of Humanity,

And  run the radiance of  the glowing soul in the human heart,

Now the Waves are agitated,

And it is Rocking,

In the Fields,

In the Fields,

Where blood and sacrifice,

Over stretches of many decades,

And over stretches of many centuries,

 Have worked the Land,

Culturing the seed of the Lady,

And sowing,

And nursing,

And cultivating love,

And fellow-feeling,

And seen  it bud,

And flower,

And fruit,

For a people,

And the Earth,

To taste,

And nurture the glowing human soul in their minds,

And in the Psyche of the Land,

To work healing,

Of trauma,

And  deliver closure to the wounds,

And the trauma,

That the  Coup of Heaven,

The Wounds,

The Beast ascending the Throne,

At Night,

Deals out to the tender human soul,

Taking out the light in their soul,

Putting the sun away for darkness,

And for the night,

Soul in Earth passing into the Deep,

At Night,

Bringing humanity  down to the dust of Hades,

Reducing humanity to eating dust,

And creeping on their bellies in the dust,

And Hmanity at Night,

Becomes beasts on the Earth,

Depredating on one another,

Practising carnage amongst themselves,

Gulping down,

Hate and venom,

The wine of Dragons,

Inflicting a terrible toll,

 On the tender human soul,

Our flesh,

Our delicate souls,

A  meat for beasts to  nourish their sadism,

And the blood of our gnashing,

The blood our anguish,

The smoke of our sorrows,

Their wine,

The wine of dragons,

O the blood of the trauma of our flesh,

The suffering of the dove,

Their love,

The spirit that animates their kind of psychology,

But the love that is budding will blossom,

And covering the Earth, 

Cultivate the Fields with love,

And fellow-feeling will flower and overflow,

The flower of the Lady Bug,

The Sweet Eflorescence,

Feminine Essence,

Overpowering the Beast,

Womanhood taking the Peace of Heaven,


 From the Reins of the Beast,

And Mother,

Taking the Rudders of the Earth back,

Making  Her fruit the staple of the human soul,

A channel of a Current,


And Mild,

And Mellow,

Waves of Consciousness,


With no heat to hurt flesh  unkindly,

Holding no fire to scald,

Or sear,

Or scorch,

The tender Human Heart,

My Dove,

She is Love,

And Warm,

Nothing like the rays,

And heat,

That  issue from the Sun,

In your Fountains,


We have an Atmosphere to shade humanity,

To surround the Earth,

A thick Sheath of humanity,

An Ozone,

That remains,

If the Earth,

Will be careful,

If they will care for the Soul of the Earth,

And will not burn a Heart with the poisons and toxicities and deadly proteins hate actuates,

Our covering holds fast and good,

If they will not  burn with  malevolence,

And  evenom the human spirit,

And destroy the human heart,

And take down the humanity that glows in the Earth,

But they burn with Poison of Hades,

The virulence,

That prejudice cultures in the human soul,

And cultivates on the Earth,

The Covering,

Our Sky falling away,

The Spirit of Motherhood Ravished,

 From the Ravages that the Fire  that falls on You at Night,


In You,

The Earth has massive Clouds Her Head,

To tamper the heat and fire that Heaven,

And Its Sun, 

Irradiates in Earth,

My Mother,

Is Heaven,

My Mother is Paradise,

A Parogon of Good Cultivation,

A Paradox to the Heavens,

That cultivates a fair and a beautiful generation,

She is a Hearth to the souls that are seared by the Snow and Cold,

My Mother is an Hospice,

She caters to the needs of the  bruised soul,

She cares for  the souls that the Beast has wounded,

She is a great Hearth,

My Mother is the Cabin,

Glowing with Fire,

Standing out of the Fields of Snow,

At Night,

And My Mother is Fields of Beautiful Flowers,

And my Mother is a Fabulous Garden,

She Breathes Her Fair Breath,

She breaks the opulent Rain of Her Spirit,

Pouring down on Earth,

And a Beautiful cultivation springs on Earth,

And  a mild  Wind works on the Field,

And Blossoms Bloom,

And a  beautiful generation,

Shimmies in Her Breeze,

But Motherhood is not a Rod,


Neither are You Wrath,

And Mother,

You are not Rock Either,

And cannot Rock the Earth,


You cannot be God,


You are not God.

She comes only in as far as depicting,

Just Half of the Image,

Your Beautiful Likeness,

Represents Half of the Story,

In You Mother,

I can only taste Half of the Fruit,

In You,

Only Half of the Truth is tasted,

You make,

Mother just One Slice of the Fruit,


You are just One Slice of the Truth,

In You,


Half of the Story will never be Told,

In your Beauty Half of the Story of Heaven is never to be told,

If I will rivet my heart on the Fairness of Your Spirit,


Half the Story of the Earth will never be told,

If I will fix my soul on the Beauty of Your Likness,

If  I will let Your Good Deeds Bewitch me,


Half Story of Heaven will remian untold,


Your Spirit,


Your Persona,

Dogs God,

And is this Preposterous?

Or is it not Preposterous,

That all the Fountains,

And all the Waters,

And all the life,

Has sprang from a Rock?

Beauty has not cultivated the beautiful World,

And Fairness has not found Its Spirit yet,

To cultivate the World,

But I have laid hold of a Rock,

And felt Its Grain,

And I have weighed a Rock in my hand,

And perceived the sum of life,

And penetrated a deep mystery,

In Its Grain,

In Its Consistency,

A Rock 

Out of the Native Constitution,

Out of the Native Spirit,

Breaks the Light of Day,

And  DaySpring seeps out of a Rock,

And gushes in Fountains in the World,

And from a Hard Constitution of Nature,

And from a  Grain,

Gaunt and Inhospitable,

Like the Bosphorus,

The Good was born into the World,

From the Womb of the Night,

The Light was delivered,

A Light which issuing,

From the Womb of the Night, 

Bears our World,

Bears our life,

The Sea springing out of a Rock and a Hard,

And It appears,

Right to say,

It is Trauma to the Soul,

It is Sacrilege of the Native Constitution,

It is Sacrifice of Consistency,

It is Tumult in the Heavens,

If a  Rock draws out Water from ItSelf,

And raise life and the world,

Out of  the Integrity of Soul that is Breeched,

And out of Water,

Made from the Grain of a Rock,

All the light,

And all the  life,

And their splendour,

Together with Day,

Has issued,

And out of a  Rock,

Light comes gushing into the World,

And from a Rock breaks Water,

 Falling in Fountains in the World,

The Tumult,

And Torrents,

And Toru,

Irrigating the Field,

And Rasing Light and Life on the Field,

Water Raised from a Rock,

And the Water from Wrath,

To Water the Veld,

Water to  raise a great cultivation on the Field,

And Water the Earth,

With Water that Sprouts out of Rock,

And a beautiful Earth,

And the beautiful life,

And a beautiful Garden,

Is  raised,

From Water springing out of a Rock,

From Light issuing out of Darkness,

And the beauty of the Garden,

And colorful  life is kept,

By  a Rock,


Your Rock,

The Rock that breaks Its Grain,

To make Water,

The Rock that goes against the Grain,

To make Water,

And life,

A Rock that appears to sacrifice Its Consistency,

To make Water,

And all our time,

Is marked by evenings and mornings 

And all our time,

Is marked by days and nights,

And Mother,

Your Spirit Dogs God,

And Mother,

You are One who Dogs God,

And Mother,

You Dog God,


You do in deed,

Dog God.


  (C) Fritz Ampon. 2019.


  • May 28, 2019

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