Category : Stories
Sub Category : Childrens
Once upon a time there lived a girl. She didn't like to speak with humans a lot she loved to talk to herself. she'd always say that she is her best friend and she didn't want to make another friend because she thinks that she is to close to her body than any other human. If some one asks her what her name she would lie and say another name mostly she would say that her name is Liza but its not. She would lie because she thought that if she said her real name to the person that asked her she would be more closer to them. So she beileved in herself. One day she found a homeless person and he was begging for food or money so she gave him what she had and that was only two dollars. She gave him and said his is all I have and he was so happy as if she had bought him a house. He said thank you and she said its fine because its good to help. He said I'm max what's your name she was thinking if she would say a lie like Liza but she said that this is a homeless and kind person why should I lie to him so she said her real name and that was jemma the homeless man was supriesd to hear such a lovely name in such a long time he said jemma that's a lovely name and she said thanks I didn't think anyone will love my name. And he said its a wonderful name. And she said goodbye to the homeless man and went home from that day she believed in what that homeless man said so now when ever someone asks her what's your name she would not lie and say Liza she will say the truth and say jemma the end........
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