Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I always keep in mind how horrible war is to the human mind.
That war takes such a toll on the mind, that the mind can barely harbor the endless scenes and images of blood and death.
Today, Memorial Day, we must remember those who have died, those who bravely served and fought, those who sacrificed to protect our country.
Men, men who fought, men who served, men who sacrificed for our cause, deserve this day to be remembered.
They shall not be forgotten, they shall never be forgotten for all they did.
The body ridden fields of Gettysburg.
The blood soaked beaches of Normandy.
The mountains of Korea.
The confusion and thick forests of Vietnam.
The hot days of Iraq.
And the countless other settings of conflicts, of which men had died to protect our nation.
War is horrible, war is a haunting shadow that follows our veterans every day.
And they deserve this day to be recognized, to be honored.
And with utmost gratitude, with utmost respect, I proudly salute all of those who are no longer with us, and to those who are still alive today, and with pride I say:
Thank you for your sacrifice.