Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
In the still of the night, the quiet prevails and all is silent.... presuming to blanket the rest of day under its comforting wing. But even though bodies are quiet, minds are alive and ever traveling.... back to places where they got stuck, reminiscing where mistakes were sadly made.
The silence doesn't say how much I regret those moments where conflict occurred despite my very best efforts to be calm. It doesn't say how much my heart aches to relive the moment I made you feel anything less than perfectly safe and loved with all this heart can offer.
The silence doesn't say how it breaks my heart to know that I've caused you pain, that I can't erase the marks left.... regardless of my justification, no matter the reasons why, no matter how valid they may have been. Because it's hard for me to know what I know and feel what I feel. It can be difficult to forgive within myself the pain I've caused when I can see more clearly with the spectacles of hindsight.... yet, I must nonetheless persist onward.
The silence doesn't say how heavily my heart weighs upon each thought of you and your well-being.... prayers of emotion rising up in hope. You are out of my physical reach, yet ever present in mind. Wherever I am, I pray for you each day and night.... and perhaps in my dreams we can visit briefly sometimes.
The silence doesn't say how deeply you are missed, simply for being the person you are, and the delightful energy you bring. And that's what life sometimes is.... a bittersweet mixture of regrets, along with a field of sweet smelling memories of all we have shared.
What will come of us as time passes?
Will destiny keep us intertwined?
.... it's certainly something to wonder when the silence doesn't say.