Holding My Words Read Count : 55

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

The things I hold back, the things I want to say.  Words that can destroy a world or perhaps even save the day.  But the words do not come, they get lost along my tongue.  I digress to my previous state. Silently observing, questioning my fate.  What is so hard about speaking my mind?  Why do I hold everything inside?  I know its not good to keep regressing myself.  This constant dreary mood is affecting my health.  I need to speak my peace, put aside my fears. Though I know she'll have tears, these words she needs to hear.  To keep holding it in, I'm slowly killing myself.  I don't know my worth, never loving myself.  I've got to break this mental block, I've got to get it out.  Break the silence, put an end to doubt.  My words will come, this I believe.  And when they do, I'll feel relieved. 


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    May 26, 2019

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