What To Do??? Read Count : 71

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

A thousand thoughts are running on my mind...What to do?

What's the right thing to do???

Please help me decide oh lord.

I never ask for this.

But you give me a gift. A gift which i dont know if i should accept or turn my backs on it closed my eyes and take a life and return it back to you.

Yes i ask for a blessing but you give me a life to nurture..

Here i am still trying to pick up the broken pieces of my life and yet you give me something that i don't know if i can bear it all alone.

I have all my faith on you oh lord but how to go on when i know there's a life inside me growing and i am all alone..

Im afraid of what tomorrow brings..

Please, please help me decide.

My sunshine.


  • life is a gift and a blessing. you are not alone your baby is with you and God is with you. celebrate that life and some day, soon enough you will savor the sweetness new life brings .. be strong that is all the Lord demands from you and his grace is sufficient .

    May 24, 2019

  • Rhea Pacio

    Rhea Pacio

    thank you

    May 24, 2019

  • May 24, 2019

  • Feb 03, 2021

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