Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I have cried for a guys
I lost count of how many times
I got my heartbroken by a guy
who I taught our love will last
he was my first love
he was long distant and far away
I taught he was my soulmate
but behind my back he was doing something else but I didn't know and we even gotten engaged and it was that serious
yet when I realize
it was all false
a facade
he never love me
and that hurt me
that broken me
I close my heart
and decide that love wasn't for me
it broken me that I wasnt the girl for him
I have cried for you and I hate it
I loved you
even when I was young I knew love was..
but did I really?
it was a possible but I dont think
so after this happen
I jump to relationship over relationships
never really taking a time to heal
until one day I meet this guy and who I had falling for so hard and to be honest he wasn’t really my type but I liked him for some reason
my "best friend" told him I like him and so out the blue he ask me out and I accept
honestly the was a dumb move of mine
I didn't know him well
we didn't even talk that much until we are with friends
we didn't have chemistry but one you fallen and you can’t help stop it
we broken up
I did something horrible to myself
my life was a mess (I will explain the later on)
I was fallen apart
I cried and I felt apart
every since then I gave up on love
he left me for her, a girl who I taught was my bestfriend wasn't
so I keep the close door
until out of the blue
my old crush
confession he liked me back
who happen to be my bestfriend
I know how risk it was
but I liked him
but we were distant apart
yet I still gave him a chance
but this time before he gotten the chance to break up with me and I did it
I taught I was happy with him
I taught it was going to work
but we both change
the distance was include
it didn't work for us
or I didn't want it work
I guess that was it.
we were together for 6month honestly but in those 6 month and it didn't feel right
another 6 month later
I meant this guy
he was perfect
he was single dad
he was married
yet I felt in love with him
and he did fallen for me
but it was ldr
he would greet me
I would greet him
but we never label anything honestly.
Honest I’m glad because I seen the real him before anything serious can happy
This made me realize
That there are tons of different love
You just got to find it and handle the pain
Ever tear will worth it
When you finally meet the one
So don’t be afaird to open
Because you never know
If your missing the chance.