Chase Of Breaking Hearts
Read Count : 165
Category : Stories
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Chapter 1. If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you will want to know is where I was born and how my parents couldn't be arsed with me. Leading me to a lousy childhood. But I don't feel like going into it, to tell you the truth. I said as I stared at the tomboyish girl pointing in my face telling me how horrible I'm dressed. I don't even know this girl, I've literally just started this college today. Maybe that's why I'm getting so much abuse I guess, because I started a month later than everybody else, I'm just the "new girl" I must say it's hard to be a "normal teenager" when I'm homeless, no family or friends and my depression is severe, all I want to do is lock myself away and pretend I never got adopted, because my parents slung me away like I was a pile of rubbish. Maybe, that's why I'm such an awful person or at least that's what my depression tells me. I don't know how to explain my depression, it's like a dark cloud is suffocating me, telling me how I'm failing in life and how I should do it. It controls all my emotions and actions I just can't stop it. I guess it really doesn't help when I call a doorway of a coffee shop my home. Holding back my tears I walk off to my lesson, I bump into this guy, I literally walked into him like today couldn't be embarrassing enough. I was bright red in the face, he just grabbed my arms and looked at me up and down with a concerned look, as if to reassure himself I was ok. "Hello, I'm Tom" he said as he took a step back, chestnut brown hair really suits you, is it your natural hair colour he asked. Hello I am Amelia and yes, it usually looks better when I've brushed it. I said as I shyed away. He giggled and asked what course I was taking. Games artist and animator, how about you? "how awesome is this! We are taking the same class! I think you're the only girl that's going to be here though" he laughed "would it be possible to sit with you? It's just... you are the only person who's been... well... nice to me. "of course you can, it will be a blast!" We walked into class together and we got on so well! It's like I knew him all my life! After lesson ended Tom offered to walk me home, I hesitated and made an excuse I had to be somewhere but he could walk me there. How could I tell him that I'm homeless? He's the only person who's ever been nice to me, I could tell him when I feel like I trust him more... yeah I think I'll do that, I thought to myself as we walked along a grassy path by the pond. "I hope Emma wasn't been too horrible to you today, she likes to prey on vulnerable people, ya know like the new kids?" she didn't say anything to upset me just commented about my clothes, I guess they are a little dirty though so I can't blame her. "Amelia, please don't put yourself down like that I think you look beautiful" I looked at him, his blue eyes seemed to be more incredible than ever he just looked so Damn hot! I blushed and thanked him. As we approached the doctors I thanked him for walking with me. "erm... before I go.. Could I have your number please?... he looked at me and turned quickly blushing. Oh..ohhhh of course you can. We exchanged numbers and said our goodbyes, I wouldn't see him until Monday now I was pretty bummed. Once Tom was out of site I walked round the corner to the coffee shop and made myself comfortable at the back door, the assistant, ava brought me a nice hot chocolate and sat with me for a while, we spoke about Tom and how we are taking the same course and just how amazing he is, I can't wait to see him again. She was just as excited as me, anyway Amelia I have a little gift for you, I've sat here with you for a few months now and it's getting pretty cold. I hope you don't find this offensive but I brought you some clothes that I don't want anymore you're welcome to have them if you like and I've just saved enough for a deposit on a flat you could live with me for as long as you need if you like? I would really appreciate that I cried with joy and hugged ava. "you're more than welcome, come in the shop with me while I clock out, I have finished my shift now. I followed her and ava was behind the counter speaking to her manager, they was both looking at me, I looked down at my hands and started playing with them, seconds later, Ben approached me. "Amelia?, I have a proposition for you, we have just had a member of staff move abroad so there is a job available if you are over 16?" I turned 16 two months ago... "that's brilliant, are you free Saturday... tomorrow?" I smiled like a Chesher cat I was so happy!! Thank You! I kept thanking them both I was so grateful. Me&ava arrived at the flat it was right beside the doctors over looking the pond it was beautiful! Ava had already decorated and furnished the flat it was amazing, just totally amazing! "would you like to choose your own room? my eyes lit up! I've never been able to choose my own room before, I ran up to Ava and gave her a huge cuddle and cried happy tears, thank you, thank you so much you have no idea how much this means! After picking my bedroom, already set up with a bed, tv xbox just everything I wanted I was elated! I was ready to jump in the shower and put fresh pyjamas on, after we ordered a takeaway and watched titanic, the day was amazing but I couldn't help feel it was a little too well. I met a boy, my only friend gave me a home and I got a job! Seems just a little too perfect...
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