The Redemption Of Oliver Terry Read Count : 74

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
I’m starting a new story! 

What do y’all think of this so far? ⬇️

When I was eight years old the name Oliver Darriel Terry was one the whole world feared. Not because Mr. Terry was a bad man, no it was quite the contrary. Mr. Terry was a nice man and a kind person, but the entire world was told he did a very bad thing. To understand how the worlds fear was justified you need to understand the predicament the world was in. You see at that given time the world was battling an apocalyptic virus as they called it. You’ve seen the zombie movies of people who used to be somebody just roaming the streets now eating someone. That’s how it was for us and the government had been trying to contain it for two months. When it just spiraled out of control and was nearly impossible to contain. In a matter of 4 days 700 more people had been infected and they infected even more. That’s when the world got the news about Mr. Terry and what he did. It was everywhere that Oliver Darriel Terry had started the virus and that anyone he met had and would get it too. That he was the reason it spiraled out of control and killed over 700 more people. We were told he wasn’t stopping and planned to wipe out all of humanity. The government had detained him from his home in Nashville Tennessee and the president had declared he was sentenced to an execution for his crimes. The government in a sick and twisted way declared it to be in the center of town and everybody be present for it. That request and the hundreds of zombies that ambushed had caused 8 year old Alea and 24 year old Oliver Terry to meet.


  • Good start.

    May 21, 2019

  • Good start. I'm interested to see where you'll take the story.

    May 22, 2019

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