Random Read Count : 54

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

parents do the best they know how or they have no emotional attachment for the child

leads one to wonder if we learn from what we hear and see as infamts.

how then is it that unknowingly children have the ability to refuse what they see and find a way to be oppisite of all things taught?

human minds and souls are so full of mystery

i am confused by all things unknown and many known and always thinking how thoughts arrive how they pass then i go to feelings and wonder  how we come to feel and what is it that puts then to bed. things i doubt to ever find answers ro.


  • May 21, 2019

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    The answers if or when they come occur With a combination of man things Self evaluation-maturity- understanding learning etc. The process can be different and changeable for anyone but time and patience With motivation Is also part of the puzzle We also at time seeking answers find that there ars none 🦋🦋🦋

    May 23, 2019

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