Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Rubbing your face against my thighs
lips and nose touching you
winking eyes hissing like serpent
clenching teeth biting trousers
over trunk moving waist slowly
chewing kisses as licking lollipop
you fell asleep in dream or nap
pat your cheeks lips and eyes
fingering your hair rest your head
on thighs in grip of palms
loosening palms you pressurised
pelvis nodding head soft and tight
tight and tight pushed and gasped
call you sweetie pat your face
little bit secret duty
surrendering you shoulders on thighs
blushing me awkward friends say forward fondle you gently waist to face
you keep my palms on tummy to breast feel sensuous pleasure blood running fast galvanizing ecstasy you rub your head on my sleepy hood in erotic mood keeping my palm on tits and boobs
switching bulbs lightening volts
turned you face over hood
stuck trousers in oral mood
kissed and hissed bit you gist
whispered or murmured speech
and twisted with bumps
pushed up and low moaning hitch
your brother cried wake up pretty
bounced you woke tweeted dream gone
------ Kamal kishore Sharma
Tuesday May 21, 2019
****** ***** ****** ******
Word Notes:
Serpent: n. a large snake, a sly or treacherous person
Clench: n. a contraction or tightening of part of the body , v. fingers or hand close in to a tight ball
Lick: v. pass the tongue over in order to taste, moisten, or clean it
Blush: v. show shyness or shame
Fondle: v. stroke or caress loving erotically
Ecstasy: n. trance a mystic and prophetic trance, a state of overwhelming emotion
Galvanize: v. shock or exate into taking action
Erotic: sexy, involves sexual feelings
Moan: n. a long, low sound made by a person
Gist: n. the substance or general meaning of a speech or text
Hiss: v. make a sharp sibilant sound as of the letter S
Hood: n. a covering for the head and neck
----- Kamal kishore Sharma
Behind Hotel Midtown Sneh Nagar
Ward Number 27 Balaghat (MP) India
481001 9424614441 8966088853
Tuesday May 21, 2019
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