No Easy Answers 5/20/19 Read Count : 72

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Why is its that some people 
Who are abused 
Seem to be confused 

They express their outrage in their 
writing -words flashing like lightning 
Then they confess their love

Is it confusion- a false illusion 
Are they trapped emotionally 
Are they trapped financially 

Some are too young and they grieve 
Trapped as well
And cannot leave 

How do you love one who lnflicts pain 
And still makes the decision to remain 
Yes- some have a legitimate reason
Perhaps others feel it’s  treason

Emotiotios can work in different ways 
It can create a decision haze
Leaving at anytime can cause fright 
Pondering the move-wrong or right? 

Their situations are agonizing 
And often become more antagonizing 
How do you help 
When they’re helpless to help themselves 

There is aid and guidance to be sure
But the victims themselves have to
open the door 
For many it’s a”catch 22”But it brings in the light to start anew

We hope that those who look in vain 
Will find the strength to begin again 
We all deserve better in every way 
Wishing they find it their new day 


  • May 20, 2019

  • May 20, 2019

  • May 20, 2019

  • May 21, 2019

  • May 26, 2019

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