Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
"Revealing" - I clearly remember a time among my group of girl friends where this word held solely a negative association.
Revealing your skin was viewed as a sinful thing.
If a piece of clothing was deemed "revealing", it meant that it was not hiding your body enough.
If a woman was "revealing", she was immoral.
Those were the beliefs my girl friends had planted in them since they were young, which they had carried with them to adulthood. I guess the core reasoning for their parents planting this belief in them was fear that it would cause men to lust.
My girl friends used to give me a lot of grief each time we would go out. They would say I was revealing too much skin when I wear a tank top or a halter dress. I didn't care. I still wore what I wanted to wear, what I felt comfortable in.
But there's that word again - Revealing. Any interaction I had with the word was coloured with criticism.
In reflecting now, I see how thoroughly and gracefully the concept of "revealing" has shifted in my awareness.
Yes, I am revealing.
Revealing that which I truly Be....
The wild and the refined.
The modest and the unabashed.
The devoted and the unconstrained.
The reverent and the irreverent.
The gentle and the fierce.
The playful and the deep.
And this unveiling has uncovered the entire spectrum of femininity and womanhood that I was born to flow within. One that I wasn't aware I had access to before. One that I have now reclaimed.
The act of revealing is now one that is woven into the very fabric of my life.
I am owning it.... revealing the content I create, the inspiration I am filled with, and the emotions I feel.
This is my birthright.