Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Here i am pacing
My life I'm anticipating
No thoughts in mind
No fear I bind
For fear is just word
A word that man made
A word that holds us from everything
A word I believe God and Jesus did see
But a word of a word is a reaction of the unknown yet to be seen
You do not fear fear
You fear to try
For if you dont try
There is no fear to realize
And still I pace waiting wondering
....for him
Doors are locked windows are shut
I'm in a corner and I cant say much
I will not be defeated by one of the evil demon eyes
I will not listen to the song he sings to hypnotize me into taking my own soul away
I will not fall asleep with images of his..the devils face
I will not break. No matter how long the lingering takes place.
I am safe.
I will not listen to your words of corruption to get me to unlock the door like a fish on a lure
I will not feel the tears you now have rushing.
Into the Nile river. Blood tears they are called from a woman beater.
To be cont....