Experiencing Peace From Within Read Count : 210

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Barefoot, bare body, dark face, overgrown hairs, long hard wooden sticks in hand, few stone tools, living into the wild out of any Politico- Socio – Economical bindings and divisions, the irregular and uncivilised life of early human could be seen writ large through these gaunt features. The stone tools later replaced by metallic weapons along with hunting set aside by agriculture, living into the wild turned into the civilisation. With the course of time, man experienced many changes in his attire, food, belief systems and many other aspects of life.
These changes took a new turn especially after Industrial Revolution giving rise to a new term modernisation resulting into luxurious and more materialistic life. Now, agriculture became mechanised, motored vehicles replaced bullock carts, schools came up for education, hospitals for medical services etc. There would be no scepticism in accepting that humanity is at the pinnacle of success in contemporary times. However, there is something it lacks now but had adequately in its childhood times.
This is in the form of severe diseases especially related to mental health like stress, anxiety, schizophrenia and many other derivatives. On the contrary, our ancient past was free from such self-induced diseases which are evident from voluminous texts on yogic studies and meditation, which even modern man is not able to understand at its full potential.
With the increasing influence of modernisation and globalisation, common people are surrounded in a materialistic surrounding, which in itself has percolated into their minds leading to more dependency on these perishable materials. This materialistic nature of society has increased inter – human race which has resulted into swift and eventually a perplexed life. In such a scenario, humans have started losing their self-control and emotional intelligence leading to above-mentioned problems.
Self-control can only be regained by understanding the being from within. This can be done by well heard but less explored tool i.e. meditation or Dyana. It is a process free from any instrument and complication. It emphasises upon understanding oneself beyond its bodily presence. It’s like ‘Experiencing death without being dead’, as in this process one suppose to be out of its body and even its mind.
The best way of practising meditation is to first silence yourself, sit in cross-legged posture with spine comfortably erect, keeping your arms upon thighs with palms facing upwards, eyes closed. One has to keep mild focus between two eyebrows for at least fifteen minutes twice a day to witness adventures of Meditation.
It is an exercise which not only free humans from stress and its derivatives but also from anger, aggression, hatred, violence, sadness etc. in common life. It helps in establishing a better concentration in any work, studies etc. It makes a man calm and emotional intelligent who can very well handle extreme situations without getting drowned in emotions.
Also, yoga is incomplete without meditation. Practising yoga, while your brain is busy in something else (like speculating whether you would get a salary hike or not) is completely in vain. Yoga equipped with complete focus on your body yields desirable results. Yogic postures like Shavasana has greater potential in relieving oneself from pain, exhaustion and many severe diseases. How actually this process works, let’s see its philosophical aspect.
Most of the human limit themselves to just their physical presence. That means they consider themselves just an organic material and nothing beyond that. The human body is made of kana i.e. Atom, the basic particle. Every human identifies himself with this body made up of atoms, But is it right to think so? Let’s take an example of a man whose arm gets chopped off. This piece of the arm is thrown away where it gets decomposed, imparting nutrients to the soil. These nutrients are taken by plants, which are further eaten as food by some animals or humans itself. This shows the same atoms which were identified by man as his, are now part of somebody else. Further, an organ transplant can be seen in this context.
Suppose in near future, when brain transplant would become reality, then transplantation of a brain to another body would change its identity as well. The brain, now in different body would be in dilemma to identify its real identity.
This instance raises a question, If not this body than who we actually are? Philosophy of Advaita propounded by Shankaracharya emphasised that all souls (Atman) being part of one Universal Soul (Brahman). When we meditate, we take ourselves beyond our body and experience oneness with the whole universe. When we separate ourselves from our body and mind, consequently we separate ourselves from restrictions posed by the same. Humans can do wonders which are no less than magic with just their unbeatable concentration. Telekinesis is one of the testimonies of this claim which empowers one to move something by mere thinking about it without the application of physical force.
Meditation helps to concentrate energy and yield best benefits out of it. A normal human being cannot sit still for more than three to five hours; however, a meditating being can sit still for days or even months. In this process, the human body is completely at rest mentally and physically both, hence becomes more susceptible to the healing process of concentrated universal energy. Hence, in many instances, it has cured many acute diseases from within, which were otherwise incurable from external medication. Such cases are often given the name of miracle or good luck of concerned being.
Moreover, when a person knows his real identity beyond the body, he is at better place to handle his materialistic desires and holds better emotional intelligence. It generates positivity in a person leading to positive impacts in life, as evident through the law of attraction which enunciates, what a person thinks that he attracts. Such persons are cool, calm, fearless and confident to handle any situation in life, hence enjoy healthy and happy life.
Further, when you identify yourself as a universal being, you stop defending just your body all the times and care for everything around you from plants to animals and environment etc. Anger is also a consequence of self -defense and self – centeredness, provided that the word “Self” limits your identity to your body. Anger leads to even violence just for defending own prestige or anything exclusively linked to the body. But when a person transcends its identification boundaries to every living or non-living matter, he gives equal importance to everything and understands the importance of everything. Such persons beat anger in any situation of life.
All religions of the world may often differ in their rituals, traditions or the ways of offering prayers to god but all acknowledge presence of Universal Soul and meditation. Ancient texts of especially Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism gave special emphasis on meditation and yoga. Lord Gautama Buddha was a prominent practitioner of meditation. Lord Rama was no exception, who kept himself calm and bound to his principles in all severe situations of life. That is the reason he is worshipped till today throughout India.
Meditation doesn’t recognise any race, religion caste, creed etc. It is a power inbuilt in every soul which is just waiting to get identified to unfold its adventures. Humans have to identify themselves beyond this body as universal being to access universal energy. Humans are not just an organic material of this earth belonging to a solar system, further to a galaxy and then to a Universe or a multiverse, instead they enclose everything into them.


  • Ankur Sharma

    Ankur Sharma

    U r good

    Jun 29, 2017

  • Jun 05, 2018

  • Dec 15, 2018

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