Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Will life be like the greatness that we dream about when we reach the steps to eternal heaven? The glory is yet to come but very close. In life when is it that we know our internal expectations? Are we courageous enough to concur our dreams? Live to the fullest of our capabilities? The harder we try the further we fall it seems. Experience is the worst teacher. It always gives the test first and the instruction later. Life does come with an instruction manual. Gods manual. The Holy Bible. Do you pocess the holy spirit? Do you believe X's in something you can't see but are taught from birth? Why is it that we become beleivers? I know because I feel his spirit and glorious love running through my veins. His presence is known in my life and he walks with me daily. God is good.. Follow his path he says....the devil is deceitful as the people that prowl this earth! The evil is amongst us. They lay next to us at night, they sit next to you at church, and they lurk amost the innocent trying the devour the goodness and holy spirit they call an enemy. I am proud of who I am and choose to spread light amongst the devil. Fight with him on a daily basics. I will change this world with one miracle of faith at a time. I will choose to restore faith where it has been broken and forgotten. I hope and pray that I can change one person at a time. Showing them the glorious light of undying love and compassion that remains in society. Guide them through evil without falling in a path of self destruction, praying that my heart will remain pure and untampered and undefeated against the evil. I will defeat the devil with the words of our Father. This is who I am and choose to be. Are we all the same? Who are you? Who will you become? Live, laugh, love, learn, and teach. This will be how you will be remembered. No matter your or my path...live it....love who you are and be thankful for your blessings of the here and now.... Eternity is forever choose your path wisely.....My faith remains as pure as my heart. I serve the Devine, who will you serve?
By: Doro,thy I Nettles