If You Can Read Count : 97

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
If you can help people in need; without worrying about your own needs,
If you can light your own lantern to bright someone's path-
And don't care about the fuel,
If you can give people your precious time
And don't regret even a bit,
If you can offer your cossy bed to someone else
And sleep yourself in the cold,
If you can give flowers to the person giving you thorns,
If you can act as an Angel
Even in the Devil's life,
If you can laugh and feel at home with the company of the lowest
Even when you are the king's closest,
If you can make someone laugh
When you yourself are in the worst depressions,
Then remember God has not done a mistake-
To send you down to this World.
Hiral Singh
Age: 14


  • Apr 21, 2019

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