I Surrender.... Read Count : 99

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

There is a longing in me to be reunited once again.... but reunited with what, with who? 

There is deep loneliness at times where I feel I am in this experience all by myself. I have a sense of feeling lost, left here, and forgotten about.... but who is it that may have forgotten me? 

There are many times I wonder what this life experience is all about as so often it has not been an easy ride. 

There are times when love seems to have abandoned me completely and even on a sunny day I can only see skies that are grey. 

Why is it so hard for me to let love in? Why do I let my mind fill with thoughts that I am not good enough to know love? 

There is a longing at the core of my being.... a longing to make every moment sacred, a longing to shed the layers that have blinded me from myself for so long, a longing for the free, unbridled expression of the soul to unleash itself, a longing to be completely me. 

I feel the longing deep within my heart to be reconnected in love again. There is a not so distant memory, one buried deep within me as to be the tiniest spark of light, where I still feel its flame. I know it's there deep within my subconscious and I yearn for its warmth, its light, its soft gentle glow. 

I long for my reconnection to the loving flow from my heart to the one heart that has held mine captive for years. I long for the freedom that love brings with its creative flow. I long for the courage found within that love. I long to sing my heart song again to the one who knows my soul and pick up, once again the dance to love's tune. And I long to feel my heart open wide in love's laughter and passion. 

And tonight, it all happened. 

Tonight, the keeper of my heart, the mate of my soul showed up with his arms stretched out, ready to slow dance with me to the tune of our love's melody. 

Every part of love is waiting right now for me to own it, to open to it, to accept it, to claim it. 

Tonight, I go inward for that spark of light, the glow of love that has been whispering in my ear to get my attention for a long time. 

Tonight, I trust and surrender to fate. 


  • Andy Fernandy

    Andy Fernandy

    very beautiful

    Apr 18, 2019

  • Apr 18, 2019

  • Maurice  Beres

    Maurice Beres

    There is magic in your words that are vivid descriptions of your inner thoughts expressed beautifully So happy for your resurgence 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

    Apr 19, 2019

  • cool

    Apr 19, 2019

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