Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I find that throughout the quickness of time, I manage to somehow find an increment of this heart pounding feeling.
I lie awake at night, with this feeling, pounding my heart and echoing through my head.
A certain application has given a newfound courage, the outlet I was in need of, a recharge I longed for.
I find that I pour my soul and time into such writings, such works of art that I feel are worthy enough to be called such a thing.
I find no shame on the application.
At the facility, I seem to grow closer to my current companions.
I laugh.
I smile.
I feel my heart racing, tears swelling in my optics as if I am going to drench my face in water.
My dear brother, whom I am very much similar to, had once told me that no matter what happens: "Keep Ya Head Up."
Even amongst my silence, amongst my malicious thoughts, amongst my venom spewing shadow, amongst the fact of being unnoticed by the others, I hold my head into the heavens.
I journey within my skull, finding my brother waiting for me.
He approaches me with a hug and a light pat on the back.
"Hold your head high, brother man."
I awake in my room, to find that I had succumbed to my thoughts.
Different thoughts.
I find that I hugged myself, instead.
I learned of the true meaning of courage.
I discovered a new piece of myself.