Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I lie awake in my bed, the night had already fallen.
The rain continued it's attack against the Earth, for it seemed like it would never end.
I enioyed the sound, light tapping against the ever aging bricks.
I rised up from my bed, the floor was cold on my feet and I closed my eyes as I yawned.
Opening my eyes, I was seemingly transported to a new landscape.
The rain was attacking me, instead. It was a soothing feeling against my skin.
A barrage of raindrops continued their journey downwards.
The ground was concrete, yet very smooth and flat.
I could hear the noise of rain hitting the concrete, it seemed to echo loudly.
The area I inhabited was very ooen, yet incredibly dark.
A light shined on me, for it was well above my head and I could not make out it's origin.
The rain was hitting my lenses and I took them off and held them in my hand, spreading my arms as the rain had fallen upon me.
I adored the rain, the smooth feeling of it escaping down my skin.
I awoke from my trance, away from my paradise of water.
I longed to return to my paradise.
I longed to be with the rain.