Look At Me Read Count : 178

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Yes it is me I am walking down Broadway with style and grace, and everyone is staring at me you should see the look on their face, I am who I am because God made me this way, so go ahead look at me look at me, because this is only the beginning of  what you're going to see, do you think that I care about your whisperings and all of your stares as I turn on my Bluetooth speaker does it really bother you, , well how bad for you I'm so so sorry boo hoo hoo, news flash I am not going to let other make me feel as if I don't belong, so here I come Broadway as I dance to a  new song and it's called Im an overcomer what about you, so move out of my way and look at me because I got places to go people to see and things to do,


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