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Woesome Regards:
A Wary, yet (as it were), Most Weary Proposal
To what avail is purpose, if there is none with which to share? Purpose for the purpose of purpose seems a tad contrived, natheless that may very well be all my purpose amounts to— a stratagem for survival, a manipulation of menace— knowing that with each valiant victory, misery commences anew.
Purpose proposing & imposing itself perpetually?.. if so, it would be a transcendent temperance, in essence, akin to hope & indeed, likend unto evil. A lycan that wools the mind's eye, so as to ewebiquitously sway us all in fold— ramifying anthropic subjugation wether which way turned. And to what end?.. this one, or will there be another?
Sometimes it's hard to find one's purpose in life but what I have learned is to do your best in enjoying each day as it comes. Doing your best to help and love others as yourself which only God can show how to do. God is the only way to your true purpose. You might not believe but he is there and wants to help. I don't know if this is too much. Lol. Hope it helps.
Apr 13, 2019