Injured Read Count : 84

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A

Dear diary, 

Confusion,  am I going through a brain injury. 

Everytime I go to laugh,  people think that I'm crying. 

And my head has been hurting,  and when I go to lay on the pillows it hurts. 

I feel like I'm going to die young. 

I am worried,  and my grandmother is worried 

I will have to see a professional because this could be serious. 

I can't stop crying then laughing. 

And when I laugh I sound like I'm crying.  Cries. 

I'm so injured 🤕

I am worried that my head is bleeding,  it is swollen. 

And I been struggling with alot,  and I stay in my bedroom and I'll just write,  laugh and cry. 

I'm so depressed. 

Please bring inner peace. 

Because I can't take it anymore. 

I feel like the most pain,  comes from my head. 

It'd not normal, so I lay on my side, because when I lay on my back,  I struggle to wake up. 

I go into  a sleep paralysis fast. 

I'm so tired of living like this,  the only pain I am struggling with is my head. 

And I keep feeling a snap in the back of it, and feeling like throwing up. 

I'm scared. And I am a mess. 

I feel embarrassed,  and I wanna act like myself again. 

I wish that I can have some inner peace,  away from pain. 

Last night I was struggling with my throat,  am not sure if it was acid reflux or not. 

I don't know what I have. 

I'm not God. And I'm not a doctor.  


  • GWS

    Apr 12, 2019

  • It's depressing

    Apr 12, 2019

  • Honest.

    Apr 13, 2019

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