Devastating Cyclone Fani Read Count : 563

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
                     Except damaging a few huts
                     Fani hit trees lull in range
                     rushed to Bangladesh from Bengal
                     damaged eight hundred fifty mud houses
                      uprooted trees plying vehicles 
                     forty two thousand people evacuated
                    Digha,Manderwani and else 
                     burst in rain with forty 
                     kilometer wind storm 
                    roamed and roared in Armbagh
                   Hoogly, Nadia and Murshidabad 
                    headed to Bangladesh 
                   treading a huntment in Beniatola Lane hit
                   five men in debris on fourth May 2019 

                   Fani hit Odisha on May3rd 
                   raining in torrent 
                   in coastal lands of Andhra Pradesh 
                   falling down ten thousand coconut trees
                   destroying horticulture crops 
                   cell phone two hundred towers switched off 
                   banana orchards in Vizianagram 
                   flown off twenty one hundred 
                   electric poles damaged 
                   killed twelve men in Odisha 
                   ten thousand people ravaged 
                   and estranged evacuated lands 
                   Fani soared high in northeast sky 
                   rushed roaring turmoil 
                  cracking in Bangla soil 
                  resumed flights, electric, rail 
                  rehabilitation agencies sending 
                  water sachets, cylone-battered
                  people restoration to life

                Fani in wrath hits Bangladesh 
                killing fifteen men in India 
                thirty six villages flooded 
                two thousand huts destroyed 
                storm killed six people on spots 
                 falling trees and collapsing walls 
                lightening and thunder torrent 
                devastated coastal life of Banishanta 
                 two hundred fifty families 
                marooned overnight washed away 
                straw huts some still submerged 
               ferries not in action 
               smaller waterways resumed operations 
              roaring and punching tremendous speed 
              seventy kilometers a hour 
              pour heavy rain and deluge emerged 
              submerging Sunderbans mangrove 
             filling water streams and rivers 
             downgraded Fani in Bangladesh 
             killed a toddler injured thirty people 
             in Noakhali ravaged people 
            moved in four thousand shelters 
            Fani was extreme in Puri 
            rushing at two hundred kilometer 
           in fury flown tin roofs uprooted trees 
           and electric poles snapped power lines 
           inundated holy land of Puri 
           with wide swathes of land submerged 
           God Jagnnath speechless saw all calamities 
           cruel Fani killed six men in Bhubsneshwar 
           fallen trees, blocked roads and electricity 
           restored timely life  and cities  
           then evacuees tourists, people and villagers 
           shelter in schools and  buildings 
           Fani in depression moved in Bangladesh 
           killed only twelve men in slow motion 
           It is wrath of God or curse 
           on humanity degree of devastation 
           and turmoil fluctuates coast to soil 
          innocent people lost lives 
          sinners, outlaws, perpetrators 
          insurgents, traitors mafia leaders survive. 

               Kamal Kishore Sharma 
               Behind Hotel Midtown  Sneh Nagar 
               Ward Number 27 Balaghat (MP) India 
               481001  9424614441 8966088853 
               Date : 05/05/2019 





  • Kamal Kishore Sharma

    Kamal Kishore Sharma

    This poem describes the destruction done by the cy in India and Bangladesh.clone Fani

    May 05, 2019

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