Birdie Your Myth
Read Count : 356
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Look you linnet birdie like
hanging head down near
stair railing you twit
Knocked you beak
leaving a leaf you chirp
and flirt you poop and pop
breeze blows odour you chirp
flirt and twitt your fading gloomy face
flash lights eloping innuendo
watching facades you swagger
smirk and perch railing
head and fly near casement
Oversoul sees you twig
to twig flower to leaf
sojourn you droop
your unquoth tale
your myth
Kamal Kishore Sharma
Behind Hotel Midtown Sneh Nagar
Ward Number 27 Balaghat (MP) India 481001 9424614441 8966088853
Date: 01/05/2019