Sadness' Life (Part 2) Read Count : 51

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Lifestyle

War broke out in the land, and men were enlisted. These were difficult times for Sadness. It was almost impossible to go to the market without being unharmed. Enemy soldiers guard every street of the city. In the battlefield, Rich and Pauper rushed to keep cover from the blows of the cannons. Suddenly, Rich got shot when moved from hiding. Pauper went to his side. Rich and Pauper became good friends, having to be in the same barrack.

Soon, war was over and the land gained freedom. Pauper came home safely with other fellow soldiers awaiting to see their beloved ones. Many waited to greet them at the harbor. Pauper was greeted warmly by his family. He looked to see if Sadness was there. Sadness with her baby, looked intently for her husband but, he was nowhere to be found. Pauper gave her the news about Rich's death. Sadness was very glad to see him! They kissed in the midst of the crowd. Days shortly after, they were wed. Dominant and Persuasive disowned their daughter. Sadness and her husband lived well. Two years later, Pauper became very ill with pneumonia and died, leaving Sadness alone with their two children.


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