The Birth Of My Princess
Read Count : 172
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
Giving birth is one of the most precious thing to go through in life as a women. My due date was May 18th 2017 and all through my pregnancy I was active down to the last day. On May 18th I went into labor...and the pain were so crazy. Unexplainable. It hurt so bad but no matter how much i prepared myself for the next wave of pain that i knew was bound to come..i just couldnt ride that shit. I bent over head buried in the pillow..moaning out loud just to be able to do something. The screaming didn't do nothing for the pain though. My sister sat there..asking was I okay. All I could say was yes cause honestly what could I do. I was in labor for 3 days before the hospital would decide to keep me. Crazy thing is the hospital I wanted to go to would not keep me. So my sister call the ambulance on the third night. I had not slept since Thursday. I had not eaten. I had not drunk anything I couldn't. It would just come right back up. When they admitted me on May 21 2017. They gave me an epidural and I loved that shit. You could not tell me nothing. They decided to induce me. And have gave me medicine to cause stronger contraction but the contraction was causing my Baby heart rate to drop. So they told me they had to do an emergency c section. I was scared as fuck. But all I could think about was saving my precious baby. I said okay. They started to prep me to go into the operating room. But the epidural wasn't strying enough for me..so they had to readminster another one. I was having a panic attack. I thought i couldnt breathe. I couldnt feel my heart beating. They tokd me to take deep breaths and they put the oxygen mask on me. And next thing I woke up and they told me I was gonna feel a pull below me. And BAM!!! She was here in less than a second. When they showed me her...her feet was black. I asked did she come out with dirty feet. But they said they had did her footprints. I loved her from the moment I saw her she was beautiful. A blessing.