SATAN Is Enjoying Web Novel Read Count : 178

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Drama

I just have thanked my friend GODOPEDIAOLOGY, even SATAN is happy by the response he has got from the Web novel. After I, SATANOPEDIAOLOGY making an enquiry in Google play store has made out that


 Writer's outlet has 50,000 + downloads



  Webnovel has 5,000,000 + downloads

So that's why what I struggled here to get, I got it in Webnovel. 

Here I, SATANOPEDIAOLOGY, never seriously crossed 10 views( might be in 2 or 3 stories) 



In Webnovel, all my stories crossed 100 views, and out of 6 stories 1 story has crossed 1000 viewers. 

For any writer more than a liking he or she gets, it is the viewers who are important. It shows TO HOW MANY MEMBERS OUR STORY HAS REACHED. 

Even a 50 views would be great for us because it  means atleast 25 members have read it completely and remaining persons have somewhat understood our concept. 

There are many types of writers and the prominent among them is

A) writers who write for money

B) writers who write for something else. 

I, thanked GODOPEDIAOLOGY Because he is not a writer who wants to benefit himself but also wants others to enjoy but as always we know PEOPLE OF THAT TYPE WON'T GAIN MOMENTUM BUT THOSE WHO ARE TOO RESERVED TYPE AND WON'T LET OTHERS KNOW WHAT THEY COOK. 

Anyhow my friend, it is a note of gratitude from myself and all those writers who have the same feelings as myself. Even i guess it would be great if you also share your experience of Webnovel as I have done. 

SATAN is happy that more and more people are reading HIS stories. I personally feel even writer's outlet should reach to that stage. There is no teasing attitude here but a sort of motivation made by me to see even this app raising to that level. 



  • Thank you my friend.

    Apr 28, 2019

  • Ghost Jack The Ferryman

    Ghost Jack The Ferryman

    then leave

    Apr 28, 2019

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