Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I do not blame my mother
She knew what she did
I do not blame my father
He knows just what he's done.
The blame I place upon me
For i am the sour one
I see no good in mankind when the hour is none
My pain is my own to bear
Even if I choose the numb
For its me alone who must know myself
With my heart upon the wicker shelf
Bleeding into the void
The blame is not for those that did it
That's beyond the point.
The blame is for the one that excuses it
Still trying to play the game
For i know deep in my loin it is truly in vain.
I do not exist to please you.
Not do I consent.
To be prodded judged and broken, and looked at with contempt.
I ask not for opinion
Not anything at all
For i am not your minion at your beck and call.
You do not get to break me
And walk away from it all.
For i have been your whipping boy it's written on the wall.
I may have let it happen
Complicit in my fall
No longer I will stand here and gawk at your gall.
I am my own person
I've built in the destruction
Maybe you will learn some
From my defiance in your gumption.
I am not your little martyr and today I stand up; I'm done
There is only this one last point of import
The last bit to report
You will never speak use my tongue, when I speak about my son.