Poetry-My Therapy-My Odyssey 4/26/19
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Category : Poems
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I wrote my first poems sixty years ago atan army hospital in GermanyIt was motivated by boredom with no thought of therapy at that timeThirty years later our son Marc was killed by a drunk driverMy wife and I joined The CompassionateFriends-a group for parents who have lost childrenThe chapter leader told us it might be helpful if we kept a journalAs I began this writing my thoughts began to form the words poeticallyand thus started a lifelong adventuremotivated by the agonizing horror of loosing a childAt tha beginning I would write as manyas four poems a dayThis was not planned but spontaneousTriggered by the deep grief than waspresent constantlyThese were open meetings giving parents the opportunity to express their feelings and experiencesOn occasion I would read one of my poems if I felt it was appropriateSome parents asked for copies which I was eager to provideThe number of poems mushroomed into dozens as I was writing daily IOne year later l became the leader of one of the four chapters in our areaI would begin our weekly meeting by reading one of my poemsThe response was overwhelming and Idecided to copy my work and place it in our chapter libraryAfter ten years Phyllis and I felt it was time to leave the groupWe felt that we had come a long way toward healing though you are never completely healedThat emptiness- that hole in your heart is forever and you learn how to betterdeal with it and control the painGoing through this ten years of meetings and writing l finally became acutely aware of the impact of writing had toward being able to restore quality back in my lifeIt was an immense therapy toolWriting now gives me enjoyment- satisfaction -the opportunity to express- share and learn thanks to all the writers at WOIt took me years to recognize the value of writingMy hope is that youhave already come to that realizationWhether you are struggling to find your way- starting to see the light or reacheda level of happiness and contentmentWriting - reading and sharing in ourWriters Outlet Community give us a common bond for support and enrichmentI look forward to reading- writing and learning from all my fellow writersKEEP WRITING-NEVER GIVE UP-