Extreme Gratitude 4/26/19
Read Count : 162
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Maybe it’s meI don’t knowI’m reading poems hereThat really glowBeing astounded by the talentThat so much is revealingReading so many - they’re more than just appealingI’m not a critic or a literary brainI love to read poetry for the pleasure I gainI think my works average- I’m willing to sayBut reading so many hereJust put me awayThe variety of structure -the creativity of expressionThe imagery my mind-evokesThrough my daily reading sessionAnother gift I’ve been givenA total -total surpriseIs learning from your writingsIs an unexpected prizeAs you continue to writeAnd I continue to readThe work gems your creatingFulfill a great needI hope you have foundFrom the work that you have doneAn enhancement in you lifeTo reach a better oneKEEP WRITING-NEVER GIVE UPI