The Staffroom(Part 3) Read Count : 186

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Its pouring heavily today.Rhea wakes up to the sound of raindrops on her window. Rains have finally arrived after months of sweltering heat and humidity. There is something magical about Mumbai rains.Mumbai'ites love their monsoons dispite of problems they bring. 
As it is the first heavy downpour of the season ,the world seemed to have come to a standstill.

At 7.30 in the morning it is still dark.Rhea sips her steaming cup of bedtea made by her loving husband.There is no sign of her maidservant. As it was rare long weekend with Eid around the corner Rhea decides to stay in bed and finish her Danielle Steel novel.
By 9 am things start stirring. The maid comes and the routine starts.
After finishing her novel Rhea works on her school projects. Few friends drop by for tea and chitchat.Later she catches up with her favourite tv serials.
Eid holiday on Monday is spent in a crowded mall where stores are having huge sales.

Tuesday morning Rhea goes to school in heavy downpour but she is in a good mood.That time in the morning with hardly any traffic and soft old hindi music playing in the car,she enjoys her ride to school. 

She gets busy in the class.Children are noisey today.They are still in weekend mood.
The day passes very fast and the teachers meet in the staffroom after the dispersal. Each one with her story.What they bought,what they cooked,where they went,which movie they saw.

Somebody brought briyani,a leftover of Eid celebration.Somebody got sweetmeats.They relish everything and plan to go on gm diet next day which never comes. 

They complete their work of correcting note books ,preparing for next day amidst light talks and giggling .They love each others company and are very comfortable with each other.

Most of them know each other quite well.Some are closer. They know about each other families,their joys and sorrows. 
There are no secrets here. 

At 3 they all leave the school but not each other. Till late night messages are exchanged on WhatsApp.



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