His Story Read Count : 160

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : History
                                                       CHAPTER 1 : Blood...

                                                   January 20, 2017 • Friday
                                                                  11:47 PM

A burning sensation in my upper, left back; Hearing gunshots from the vehicle that was behind me. Other side of the truck that I was leaning against to, I quickly turned to see if Aaron got hit too. I saw him on the floor in pain, couple feet away from me; I grabbed his hand and pulled him to give cover from the truck but as I was pulling, I got shot in the wrist; Ignoring the pains on me and continued. "Go, go, go-!" I heard from the vehicle as it drifts off down the street. I turned and noticed Alan running towards us in shocked "Dude, who the f**k shot you?!" He said as he took off his shirt, wrapping it on my wrist. He yells for Miguel and the others to come help. They all come in shocked in their faces, all around us trying to help Aaron with his breathing, me sitting there having flashbacks of my family and friends especially the memories with Aaron. James girlfriend, Stephanie called the police. I could feel my blood go down to my back, "Carlos lay down on your chest!" Alan said in his shocked voice. I ignored, seeing blood all over us, seeing Aaron struggling on breathing. I was sitting there with Aaron, "Carlos tell---Vivian and--Ruben----" he's trying to breathe, he's struggling "that I--love them----both" it was hard to hear that, hoping that I wouldn't have to say that and that he'll make it so he wouldn't have to leave his son and girlfriend, I didn't know what to say..just sat there and noticed nurses around us, I didn't remember seeing the ambulance come or hearing them. "Can you get up for me Carlos" said one nurse as she helped me, I saw Aaron going in the ambulance. I went on the bed, started to get dizzy, started to close my eyes; Thinking to myself that I wouldn't make it. Got on and in the ambulance, seeing one nurse on each side of me, "Keep your eyes open, ok?" Said one, I didn't answer...still having more flashbacks. "Don't worry, you're safe now" said the other nurse, I didn't believe her. Looking at the cieling, started to pray for Aaron to be okay...then my eyes closed.


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