Killer Photo Read Count : 203

Category : Adult

Sub Category : Horror


 We were all so different, in ordinary circumstances no one would have ever put us all together. However we had one thing in common, creating art through photography. Each of us had our own unique style and we fed off of each other trying to get that one shot no one had come up with yet.                    

Chapter One  

 It was the end of summer, fall was just showing its colors when we had the idea. All of us together with our cameras and our sense of adventure, it was the makings of an epic road trip across California. The only real plan we had was to get that killer shot. It was never supposed to end like this.

 Mac was retired, he had been in the Marines and I have heard stories of his time overseas, but never straight from him. He didn't like to share much about it. He developed a twisted view on life and it showed in his work. The man was a genius behind the lense and we all looked up to him. He had the original idea to get the hell outta dodge and we blindly followed. We each had our own demons we were running from, so a road trip was a great idea. 

Mac had a RV that we would later nickname the The Death Star. Kevin actually came up with it. He's a big fan of Star Wars, he was just  a young boy when the movies hit the big screen. Kevin often told us hilarious stories of him and his brother having lightsaber wars in their underwear. Those memories were happier times for him; memories were all he had left of his kid brother. 

An accident on the farm changed things forever when his little brother was killed right in front of him. Kevin blamed himself for his brothers death and he held onto this guilt. His outlet was art, art in many forms. He was a musician, a writer and, like the rest of us, he had a passion for photography. Little did we know at the time how relevant the name, Death Star, would be.  

Then there was Samantha, we all called her Sam. I don't remember exactly when she joined the group, that doesn't even matter, what mattered was that we all loved her in our own way. She was full of life, a life and energy we all wanted a piece of. She was a free spirit, she did what she wanted and when she wanted, she answered to no one. People would call us strange, but together we were a family and Sam was at the center of it.

 Sam was always down for whatever, she was adventurous and had no fear and I admired that about her. She was also easy on the eyes, tall and had curves in all the right places. Long dark wavy  hair, like right out of a Pantene commercial and it smelled like orange blossoms whenever she walked past. Her pouty red lips that looked like a heart when she wrinkled her nose was my favorite thing about her. But it was her eyes that lured you in, deep blue like the midnight ocean with naturally long lashes that she could bat and you'd do anything for her. 

  Sam always seemed as though she was running from something or someone most of the time, we all wondered about it but didn't dare ask. She was open with her body, but she kept her secrets locked up tight and we respected that. Although some may find it odd, we all shared her and we each had our own unique relationship with her. Through Sam we were all connected. 


  • would like to read more

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  • It was great

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