Whence Be These Men To Us That Came? Read Count : 140

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Whence be these white men to us that came,

Riding upon wind driven ships they sailed,

Men white like snow we see amazed,

As they arrive at our shore today,

One question I ask is.

Whence be to us these men that came?

Men the color of the sky to them my heart stray,

Then to our King's palace they stray,

Mischief must be the game,

But whah game do white and black men begin to play,

As we journey to our farms today I tap my father,

Dad, whence be to us this men that came?

Then to our farmland we came,

African glory in full display,

Our men with their hypertrophied muscles and the cutlass blade to me wave,

The damsels with their hands making the heaps as their thick buttocks to me wave,

As I resume to my section of work to my own heaps make,

Though distracted by the bosoms  that vibrate to the frequency of the hoe they shake,

My mind still went back to the white men that came.

But whence be to us these men that came?

At even as we head to our houses tired and frail,

Mama must have prepared the palm wine my portion I hope to claim,

As I think upon the work of the day,

The sound of the town crier revibrates in the cool of the day,

Summoning us all to the kings palace today.

My mind began to think again on the things saw earlier at dawn today.

Papa, whence be to us this men that came 

As we head to the palace our  King to obey,

The chant of orubebe the town psalmists to my heart came,

Our girls the finest and best our dancing arts display,

Sikira the most beautiful of them the lead take,

The drummers beat the drum faster than an average  leg can take,

Oh these damsels can dance I say,

Buttocks vibrating furiously along provoking every manhood around attention to them pay,

Then i see these white men beside our king sit agog,

Then I traced the direction of their gaze,

Straight to the buttocks of our damsel it came.

Hmmmm, whence to us these men that came?

Then we calmed at the command of our king,

Thirty strong men chosen to follow the white men that came,

Oh no! for what reasons our king did not relay,

Slavery, slavery is the what our sons now must  face, 

For mirrors and Shoes our sons to slavery will stray,

Then tragedy struck  again,

Sikira, kabiru's fiancee the dancer  the best of out damsels on whom their gaze was kin,

Yes those whom the lord has joined together the white man has power to put asunder we see,

Oh I now know why my innocent soul proclaimed,

Whence be to us this men that came?


  • whoa..i texted ya..

    Mar 26, 2019

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