Staff Room (part 2) Read Count : 153

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
So this is the scene of an important part of Rhea's life.Yes Rhea loves her school,her job and her children. She thrives  on school life. Assemblies, making of question papers,worksheets,preparing for sports day ,concerts ,debates have became an integral part of her being. Everything is planned around her school time table. Even the weddings in the family. 

Rhea became a teacher by fluke.She had no plans of becoming a teacher and had accompanied her sister to a college and next they realised that both of them had enrolled themselves in a teachers training college.But she will become such a serious teacher she had not realised at the age of 17.But it was a great journey. 

So on that Friday afternoon when Rhea was planning her weekend,they were called for a meeting which went on till five.Lots of extra work and duties were given.So by the time she left the school it was peak hour and the traffic was heavy.She reached home very late and tired .Days like these she wanted to quit. Thinking of the work she had to do during the weekend made her change her mind about facebook status.

She was still sulking when her husband came back from office. He wanted to go out for dinner and movies.Rhea got excited when he added shopping in his programme. 

Thus started their precious weekend.Yes their weekends were very sacred.Movies ,shopping,socialising or just watching tv at home,chatting.

Life was smooth. They were content. Their only son was studing in a boarding school in Simla . They loved travelling and had been to many foreign countries. They loved eating and trying out new cuisines. 

Both of them were health freaks.They exercised,walked,jogged,did yoga,ate right,stayed away from cigrettes and alchohol.

Rhea completed her school work next day and enjoyed rest of her weekend. They went to watch a play followed by dinner in their golf club.

Monday morning came too early.And with it started another whirlpool of week.School kept her busy throughout the day. There was no time for anything else.


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