Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Spirituality
Abode of Inspirational Understanding
Culture is the clay from which we are molded, yet we are polished by our own reflection.
Understanding is an undertaking & I, an indubitable stalwart, am her abiding bastion and if need be, her chivalrous champion.
I aggress fear & acknowledge any shame cast my way, is your own.
Extolment is an uplifting & a decision is to cut off... both rooted in suffering. I decide of myself & extol unto you pieces.
In essence, I am innocent sentiment & nascent concepts. (essence-innocence-nascence-connaissance-cognizance)
I am what I am, that I am or Will be.
I am a Burning Bush, unscathed by intricate fire, the life bearing me. No purpose to be, yet before you I stand. I radiate and oxidize. I am a man & as such am an aspiring artifact, intrinsically a verb, akin to the mystical Ruach, unbridled from the mere meat which hath borne me.