Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Sick of second guessing myself.
My pride is on thw line.
Butterflies turn to wasps stinging my insides
My intuitive nature
Is a blessing and a curse
I wish I hadn't been lied to and hurt.
Gaslighting my brain is in flames
Canot understand the crazy master mind games.
Anyway I remember when playing was fun and it didn't hurt the one you were running from.
Now I feel a dark shadow by my side I try to move on but the past is by my side.
It never leaves me
even when I left him
this abusive brain
That you trained well...never turns it in.
Your the gift that keep on giving.
Lost don't know what to say and what to keep inside
will I scare you away with the damage I can't hide.
Should I cut and run before I can be dismissed just another unlucky number on someones lottery list.
I am sick of seeing you look so confused
your so unbroken child like in your pursuits.
Don't blink now I don't want you to see me swirm... under the sound of words said sweetly that I cannot confirm.
Is this a tactic am I the prey will I be in the trash pile by the end of the day.
Chin up baby girl your worth more then you know and one day you will unravel every lie and gain control.
But for now be gentle on ya self
you don't want to break apart your strong and beautiful heart
by re abusing all your broken parts.