The Boy And His Rabbit
Read Count : 184
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Childrens
There was a little boy, with hair as golden as the sun and eyes as blue as the sea. He was a dreamer and often the other children mocked him for being different for he had a wild imagination. One day he was out playing with a group of friends up on the mountain side. A crisp spring morning, in a beautiful field where buttercups and daisy's flourished. They were playing football and another kid accidentally kicked the ball high up in the air landing it into a thick brambly bush. All the kids stopped and starred at the Boy with the golden hair as if to say go in and get the ball. He took the hint and slowly made his way into the bush and with the ball within his reach he was just about to clasp it into his hands as he heared a rustling in the thickness. He paused..... a quiet voice emerged "hello". The little boy did not know what to do so paused for a moment, then replied "hello". The voice replied "my name is buster and I've been watching you for a long time, I'm a guardian of yours" the little boy looked confused "but I can't see you, and I really shouldn't talk to strangers". A little brown rabbit appeared from a gap in the bush. The boy still a little confused and a bit scared went to grab the ball to make a run untill the voice appeared again. "Do you believe?" The Boy stared down to the shabby brown rabbit and replied "I must be dreaming, rabbits don't talk... do they?" He questioned himself. The rabbit replied "only to the ones who dream, and believe, and also who we trust". The boys jaw dropped in awe and amazement, his eyes full of excitement and joy. Just like a child getting what they want for Christmas. The boy replied "I believe". The rabbit looked quite glad to hear that and started scuttling off "quick follow me". The little boy soon forgot of his friends and the ball and followed. He came to a rabbits hole in the side of a banking next to a tall tree and a beautiful river. "Come on We ain't got all day, you have to be home soon for supper. Don't want your mum to worry do we?". The boy replied "No sir!" With a grin across his face. He entered the rabbits Warren and was amazed at what he saw. Two little wooden chairs and a little wooden table a little bed in the corner with a few shelves with books on. Quite cosy and warm the boy thought to himself. The rabbit went on to introducing himself and telling him the story of how he became a guardian. "Would you visit me again? Gets quite lonely here" The rabbit asked. "Yes sure sir!!" Again grinning. "Rite on your way. Your mum will worry where your at". The rabbit waved to boy off looking forward to his next meeting. When the boy got home he was so excited and full of joy. He told his mum of his adventure and she smiled. "Sounds like you've had quite a day little man". "You need your rest, now off to bed" and she kissed him goodnight. The little boy knew his mum didn't believe but was was looking forward to meeting the little shabby brown rabbit again to hear more stories. His eyes grew heavy and soon he drifted off to sleep. Well that's the end of this story for now. Dream & Believe.... Night night.