Stop Complaining Read Count : 149

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

When you have the world given to you. 

Stop fucking complaining,  it's really selfish. 

When you have a car, a mother,  a job,  no mental problems,  money,  please stop fucking complaining. 

I'm so tired of a bitch,  that has the world serve to her rich ass. 

Yet those who had to suffer,  with maggots,  and rat's,  and mouse's and mites and lice,  and every little disease. 

Can't afford a car. The dumb ass people that get rewarded for negative behavior. 

Before you fucking complain like a cunt,  please go see the damn world. 

Go see those who don't have shit,  stop treating people like shit,  and then blaming them for your faults. 

They didn't need help,  you did. 

I feel sorry for their boyfriend,  she's crying everyday like she never had any happiness,  accusing people of raping her,  or abusing her,  noone touched her,  she is so tiring. 

Accused me of trying to stab her 

This is why people don't live forever 


  • Apr 12, 2019

  • Count your blessings not your problems. The world would be a lot happier if we did.

    Apr 12, 2019

  • Good

    Apr 12, 2019

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