Alone Through It All Read Count : 154

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance

He's been beat by his parents. 9 to 15. He's been to school in blood drenched clothes. Bullied from day in to day out. He's been alone, from birth to his death.

She's been raped. 12 and has a baby. Parents disown her, calls her a slut. A whore, her friends are too afraid to help, their parents are to damn religious. She needs help. 15, the baby's 3.

The boy moved out at 16. The girl was kicked out at 16. They meet once, boy sees the child; buys her food and the kid too. She cries and smiles. Never again see each other.

Boy is 18, living on the streets, protecting the weak. Ones who get bullied everyday after and before school. He sneaks into the gym, exercise until he trembles from soreness.

The girl is 18, her child now 5 and in preschool. Lives in a small apartment, rent is good, life is hard. She works 10 hours; heh, that overtime has her panties in a bunch.

They meet again, when they're both 21. She was getting mugged, he was there at that moment, minding his own businesses. She falls in love, he does too. So fast, instantly, it was a movie scene in real life. He meets the girls son. Little boy is 8 now.

Young man gets a job to support his new love and her child. The young woman stays home and watches THEIR child.

Years later. They are married, together. Have another little one running around the house.

The mans parents are surprised, begs him for money. He's a multimillionaire, top of his game. A beautiful wife, two beautiful children, third on its way. He gives them the money, his words: 

"I'd rather be that father who lives to forgive and forget to focus on my family; because the ones who keep those memories aren't going anywhere but backwards."

The womans family is surprised. They criticize her. They are just jealous, successful she is, and them not. She forgives them and forget, her words:

"I still hate myself, but for 25 years, your not moving if you walk forward in life and you're still thinking of the past, my family, old one, is worth my time, my new one is worth my life."

Both their families left them, now alone. But, they are alone with each other, cause they live and die for both.

Their words:

"I love her, him, and we love them, the kids. If they are healthy and educated, who has rights to say we accomplish nothing but us? We went from hell, and now were here. A healthy happy family."

Alone together is worth it more than being alone by yourself.


  • How o feel. Life is a piece of garbage.

    Apr 11, 2019

  • this is really good like your work but

    May 23, 2019

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