Dreams Read Count : 144

Category : Adult

Sub Category : N/A
I was living my life... in a prison. A prison I put myself in. My mom always told me that “ a mind is a terrible thing to waste “. Well, I was wasting mine with the tug of war games of trying to find exactly what to do when all I had to do was just start. Just start something. Start somewhere. My mind kept playing tricks on me with the what if’s, the why nots and the its not gonna work. The failure mindset, fear paralysis and just not moving no where. I’m on the inside looking out hoping that I see from the outside looking in. If I did, I would truly see the genisis. The light that began all life. The light that was given to me to create. To create a life that was desirable and not wished. Dreams fully lived with fearless approach and faithful belief to realities seen and unseen. 

Dream to Reality


  • Apr 11, 2019

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