Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I thank you God
There is a peaceful place in this world
Someone that isn't so negative
I find peace watching the Star
And watching out for shooting star's
And watching the moonlight, and if I wanted I could set out all night and gaze at the star's until the sunset comes out.
Finding a place to set to myself and allow myself to heal
I love the moonlight
I love watching those star's
They bring peace to my eye's
They bring happiness and a beautiful light
I adore the night sky
I could lay out all night in the back yard on the ground and watch the stars all night long till the sunsets
And just watch a star and think bout God and what heaven would be like.
If I could meet my angel and see something exciting.
Nature is full of many beautiful things
I not like negatively, please leave me be
Positive please remain
I am so tired of dying