Demons(2) 4/8/19 Read Count : 90

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Demons are the destroyers of emotion
May I present another notion
While demons do exist
The can frighten -confuse and twist
Their  fear can freeze you in your tracks
Keep you rigid and lost with no turning back

But they can be fought and also defeated
The challenge may be difficult but can 
be completed

They prey on your mind and dictate
 your role     
But weโ€™ve been given the power to take 

To us they may be real or a vision in our head
With our brain - strength and will we can battle their fear
If we persist they can disappear 

If they do come back as often they do
We now have the power to make them turn to

Believe in yourself we all have that gift
Donโ€™t listen to those who would make 
your mind shift 

To take on this task may be a bit
But taking this challenge could be most enlightening 

It could see self confidence increase
Those demons may feel and their 
actions could cease 

Whatever comes next just keep this
in mind
 Your entitled to have happiness 
As much as you can find

What do you have to lose
If youโ€™re mired in the  blues
A chance for winning 
A new beginning 


  • True ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“

    Apr 09, 2019

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